DFCA requires full payment of the registration fee (CAN $90) to process your application.
PayPal securely processes payments made for Le Domaine Forget de Charlevoix.
Email confirmation (in addition to the automated PayPal notification email) will be sent as soon as possible, once payment has been confirmed. Payment confirmation may take a few days.
It is very important to enter the amount you wish to pay as well as the full name of the student and the session for which the payment is made.
Domaine Forget de Charlevoix
5, rang Saint-Antoine, C.P. 672
Saint-Irénée, Québec
Canada, G0T 1V0
1 418 452-8111
Reservations/Box office
1 418 452-3535
1 888 336-7438
Opening hours
Monday to Friday : 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Shows evening : 9 AM to 8 PM
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